Here is a quick snapshot of the change of the sampling rate to get it to work for me. I made this change I was able to export the video with sound. To fix my Hitfilm no audio on export issue, I had to change the sample rate in the project tab to 44,100 Hz. But when I would export it, I would not have any sound in the exported video. I had imported an MP4 video and extracted the audio from it to add to my existing video. 39363 Hitfilm no audio when exporting issue: I was using Hitfilm Express 2017 Version. For the record my audio and video I was exporting were both mp4.
I had been trying to export my video using Hitfilm and kept coming up with no sound when exporting. Hoping this might just help you if your having this issue. I just wanted to do a quick post on a HITFILM no audio issue I was having when exporting.